Change the Language

Tuesday, 10 December 2013

First glimpse of our Trio

Glory's threesome are doing well.  Maybe it's not very original, but they've been dubbed Athos, Porthos, and Aramis. 

Their little eyes aren't open yet, but should start this week.

Monday, 2 December 2013

Early presents

  Glory got in the holiday spirit and decided to give us three early gifts. There are now two red and white fellows and one that may or may not be a boy and/or mink and white. We'll be keeping a close eye on these tiny guys over the next few weeks and post more updates and pictures as they grow.

Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Autumn Activities

Things have started to slow down a little here, so I'm hoping to get enough time this week to tinker with the website.  If you visit and is acting/looking odd, have faith I'll get it back up and running soon. Of course I came up with this plan yesterday, when it was gray out with icy drizzle. Today we have sunshine and mild breezes, so I might get some pre-snow yard cleaning time in instead.  Okay, looking at all I have or want to do, things haven't slowed down.. website, yardwork, quilting, knitting, cat baths, dog walks, nail trims.   No more time to blog, must get started! Lol!

Wednesday, 2 October 2013

Autumn blues

Our house is looking very empty now that almost all of the kittens have headed with their new families.  Betta is last of our summer kittens looking for a new home.

Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Vet update

We just heard back from the vet, Diva, Blaze, Phantom are all out of surgery and doing well.

Wednesday, 14 August 2013

At long last,

This has been a week of delays. First my phone and pc stop speaking to each other, then we have to move offices around and it takes forever to get everything set back up and running.  So, here with no more delay, is our latest kitten video.

Friday, 19 July 2013

Thursday, 18 July 2013

How to find your CFA litter pin number.

Recently I was trying to register our first litters here at Soft Kitty.  It seems labyrinthine at first, especially with three organizations to register with.  One thing that tripped me up with C.F.A. online registration was the litter pin #. You need to have one of these if you want to have the cat's breeding rights.  So, I thought I'd share what I found out in case anyone else out there is lost like me.

  • First you go to the C.F.A. home page. In the upper right hand portion of the  page, they have a link called Secure C.F.A. 
  • Click that it opens a new window where you will be prompted to enter your log in and password.  
  • When you do so it takes you to the Services page.  
  • Here we go to the online litter registration section. 

This takes you here

Then you'll see a page with the certificates embedded. 

This number is different for each litter.  I hope this might save someone else the confusion I suffered. (And the bother I was to the lovely office people to when I had to call to get help.)

Saturday, 6 July 2013

Kitten dance

Jen decided this little guy would make a perfect dance partner. He's got jazz hands, but sleepy feet. 

Thursday, 27 June 2013

Summer Kittens

We've just posted new pictures on the website for our newest arrivals. 

Come over to to see more of Phantom and his siblings.

Saturday, 15 June 2013

Kitty count down 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0!

Wow, we did not expect so speedy a response to our first litter. In fact, we'd worried about getting word out and people knowing about them. But it seems that Canadians love RagaMuffins.  And that makes us happy to know that our boys and girl will be going to parents that plan to adore them.  Of course, we plan to adore Skye and Magic, the two girls staying with us as future queens.

Magic is going to be registered as "Soft Kitty's Morrison's Magic", in honor of Judi Morrison, our mentor who has just passed on. She shared her special brand of cat magic with many people and will be sorely missed.

Skye has the cutest nose stripe
Summer kittens on the way

Thursday, 30 May 2013

Growing up so fast!

These little guys came into the world just about 20 days ago and are already starting to get rowdy and adventurous. 
Their sisters aren't far behind them either.

Saturday, 11 May 2013

Their big debut!

Here is the premiere picture of Fiona and Glory's first litters.

Thursday, 9 May 2013


Glory and Fiona have had kittens!  Three each from both girls. We're so proud of our first time mommy cats! We have two red boys, and  four pointed kitties. The pointed ones might be red , tortie , or seal points, possibly with white. No way to tell until they start to darken up. Gender's trickier on them too, but we think it's two girls and two boys   Pictures and video to come as we manage to get something other than fuzzy, dark shots of furry bits in a box.

Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Soft Kitty out on the town.

March 29th we're going to be bringing Diego to the C.C.A. All About Pets  cat/pet show in Mississauga. It looks like a fun event for animal lovers with lots to see and do.

Saturday, 9 March 2013

Cat show!

Today Don Diego is at the Hamilton cat fancier show. Wish him luck!

Wednesday, 27 February 2013

The Incredible Journey

        February 24th I flew down to Tampa to spend some time with Judi Morrison, of Rivendell Rags. Judi's a wonderful lady who not only entrusted us with our first two Ragamuffin kittens, Fiona and Glory, but also has been kind enough to be our mentor.  We had great fun visiting  with one another, talking about cats, and best of all, playing with cats.

     These are some of her girls, Sissy, Rose, Missy, and Patsy waiting for breakfast.  The time went by too fast!  There is nothing like learning first hand. Last night Betsy, a lovely blue patched tabby and white came back with me. (I'll post some pictures of her when she's settled in) We played hopscotch with stormy weather up the east coast but made it back safe. 

Sunday, 20 January 2013

Timing is everything

Sometimes I think that irony is an actively acting force in the universe. We've been impatiently waiting for our boy Diego decide he likes girls. Our two queens have been more impatient than we are, but Diego's been clueless.  Since both girls are a year and a half old,  we'd planned to breed them this spring. Feet have been tapping, watches checked, my husband had even begun to joke that I'd picked a dud stud.  When would Diego grow up?  This would not do! We began madly planning, so  arrangements were made to have a stud, Rivendell Rags Grand Champion Black Sambo, to come up in February for Fiona. So, of course, it's this week Diego decides to notice the girls, and Glory goes out of heat.  Looks like he'll have to wait until next month to get lucky.   In the end, it's all good because we'll have two batches of super cute kittens this spring after all.

Rivendell Rags Gold-n-Glory of Soft Kitty

Friday, 4 January 2013

Settling in to the New Year

2012 has come and gone. It's been a big year for us. We got our first three Ragamuffins (though Fiona was picked out in 2011), had Ragamuffins accepted into the Canadian Cat Association, and traveled to our first shows.  

 The main thing that we're hoping for in 2013 is  our first litters of kittens.  So far Diego is still oblivious to the charms of the lady cats, but that can't last long.  January 10th is is his 8 month birthday.  I'd be surprised if he reached a year and hadn't clued in.  I'm keeping my fingers crossed for spring babies!