Change the Language

Tuesday, 29 July 2014

Server down, server down!

 It seems that there's emergency matienence on the servers hosting our website,
We're not gone, just being held hostage by the net-gremlins.  Inmotion hosting promises that it should be back soon. The best advice I can give is to keep calm, and sing "Soft Kitty" in the mean time.

Aramis plans to nap through the downtime.

Friday, 25 July 2014


Our smalles Muffin Minnie has started on wet food. This is a moment to celebrate since we've been fighting to get weight on her since her birth.  Now she can eat all she wants and not have to wait for Momma or us to feed her.  Though, she has decided we put down wet food faster if she howls for it at our feet.